IES Ruiz de Alda is a secondary and upper secondary school located on the Mediterranean coast, in a small town in the Region of Murcia, San Javier. It has about 100 students and 80 teachers. Since 2015, this school has participated in numerous educational projects that have made possible:
- The internalization of our teaching model and the establishment of relationships with other educational centres, teachers and students from more than 11 countries of the European Union.
- Enriching experiences and learning for the students who have participated in the mobilities.
- The improvement of teachers’ competences.
- Integration of our school in the European Educational Area, which started in 1999 in order to harmonize the different educational systems of the European Union.
In February 2021 our school got the “Erasmus + Acreditation” a distinction that benefits us to undertake new projects in the next seven years such as student exchanges, training courses for teachers, educational experiences with teaching experts from other countries, etc.
Amalia Nadal
Cristina Guevara
José Andújar
Cristina Ramón
Pilar Sánchez
Social networks of the Institution
- Website: http://www.iesruizdealda.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruizdealda
- Instagram: ies_ruizdealda